Friday 28 January 2011

However, Nevertheless...

Conjunctions - contrasting

I'm trying to give up fast food but it's just so easy and cheap.
Alice was trying to help Michael but Helen didn't understand.

Although he's trying to be more healthy, he finds it easier to eat fast food.
Tim is going to work in the stockroom although he doesn't really want to.

however (more formal)
The flight has been delayed, however , the airline will offer compensation to all passengers.
We received your cheque. However, you failed to sign it. Please do so immediately.

Note that however and nevertheless are normally placed in initial position in a sentence when contrasting two ideas. They can, however, also come in mid position or end position:

  • There will be no more pay increases this year. That is for sure. We have, however, agreed to carry out a full review of pay and conditions. We have agreed, nevertheless, to carry out a full review of pay and conditions.

  • He's still able to get around quite well.
    His whole life has been plagued by illness, however.
    His whole life has been plagued by illness, nevertheless

However and nevertheless are sometimes used as more formal alternatives to yet:

  • He had no chance of winning the race or even of coming in the first six. However, he kept going and crossed the finishing line ahead of his team mates.
  • He had not slept for three nights. Nevertheless, he insisted on going into work the following day.

In colloquial spoken English, mind you, but still or still are sometimes used as less formal alternatives to yet:

  • The weather was lousy. It rained every day. Still, we managed to enjoy ourselves.
  • I don’t like the work very much. Mind you, the people I work with are very nice.
  • You can be very annoying at times, but we still love you.


How to make suggestions in English:

Let's walk the dog!

Sunday 23 January 2011


Hello to everyone
Here are the links I have told you about in class.
The first one "You be the judge" and the second and third with all the information about the Bulats test. for "You be the judge"

Also links for Spanish and German.

Spanish diccionario de la Real Academia diccionario español-francés, de sinónimos..... Test de evaluación, curso de ortografía
ht Gramática elemental" diccionario completo con las conjugaciones


BULATS: Go to tests and your chosen language. Tutorial for the online test
